Almost A Boy Scout!

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Almost A Boy Scout

Almost A Boy Scout!

Well, our Blue and Gold banquet is almost here and I will finally move from being a cub scout Weblo’s II to a Boy Scout. I am really excited to join Troop 208 but I am also sad that not all my friends will be coming with me. My mom and dad are going to help me as I transition in to my new troop since my brother can’t join us until next year because he is only a Weblo’s I.

Our Blue and Gold banquet is awesome lots of prizes and food. They even have a real Indian come in to present the Arrow of Light ceremony. Flaming arrow and all. Very neat to watch.

I want to give a special thanks to my mom, she has been our den leader for the past five years and has been awesome and fun. Thanks mom 🙂

I will tell everyone a little more about how the event went at the end of the month. Until then, think no more snow………..

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