Back To School Finally!!!!

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Remote learning since March was difficult, but we are Back stronger than ever in classrooms again.

I will be honest remote learning was hard for me, I miss my friends, teachers and most of all playing in band. But all that is hopefully behind us, even though we have finally been able to attend in person only twice a week and the remainder is virtual learning that is okay for me, it’s better than nothing.

Today was amazing our band was socially distanced and we finally got to play music together, it was hard not having a marching season and no band camp but we just kept our heads high and went with the flow. After all it was not any ones fault that Covid came into our lives but learning how to stay safe and educating others to do the same has allowed us to get back to this point.

School is definitely different, hybrid style has really reduced the amount of kids who are in the school at one time and wearing a mask all day is finally not becoming so annoying. These are small prices to pay to see people I have not seen in so long.

I hope we keep moving in the right direction to get all kids back in schools soon.

As always stay safe and I will write another post soon.

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