Dad’s New Paper Weight
Dad’s New Paper Weight!
This is Sam, He actually works at my Dads shop. Forget the plastic paper weights Sam weight is 18 pounds.
This is Sam, He actually works at my Dads shop. Forget the plastic paper weights Sam weight is 18 pounds.
Meijer Gardens and a new camera! What a great time we had this 4th of July weekend. We spent the the 4th at Twin Lakes, did a lot of eating out, swimming, sand dunes which I will tell you about a funny story later in my blog about my brother on one of the dunes….
This Easter was so much fun, we finally got to meet with our relatives for a wonderful day of eating and playing chess. I did something I have never tried before and that was I made cherry chip cupcakes with marshmallow peeps. Everybody enjoyed them and that made me feel so happy. I finally see…
Merry Christmas! I love Christmas so much. There are so many fun things going on. I got to sing in my Christmas concert, we helped decorate my grandma’s house, and even the gifts were great. My brother got a wafflemaker and he was so happy to make breakfast on…
What a great day! It was just warm enough to go hang out at Blizzard Beach. The water was nice and warm and there were lots of things to do and eat. It was nice to relax and go for a nice float on a tube or just eat…
So excited to announce that my Children’s book – Will You Be My Friend? Through The Eyes And Ears of Autism has been released on Amazon. Based on a true story. Really hope everyone enjoys it. Today I received my first paperback copy and if felt so amazing!!! Related posts:Music – Through the Eyes and…
Summer is finally here, Our pool is open and we have been swimming almost every day. Check out my super cool looking swim goggles. I have had them for almost two summers now and they are really easy to swim with. You can buy a pair of these…