Family Is Everything To Us!

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Family Is Everything To Us !

When you talk about family I have to say that mine is the best! Having Asperger’s is sometimes difficult just trying to get over these mental boundaries that I sometimes put in front of myself. For example textures with foods, or joining in on a game that I know nothing about. But the one thing I do know is that my family is always their to support me on what ever decision I decide to make. Don’t get me wrong eight out of ten times they find some way to convince me to take that leap of faith but for the other two they know when it’s just not going to happen and they understand and always tell me we will try some other time when your more ready.

I know I write a lot of small posts but I am getting older and I have found that I love to write and English is one of my favorite subjects in school besides, computer science, and band of course, so I want to start adding more content in my blogs and share my stories and make them more readable.

Well, virtual school started this week for my brother and I, this quite different than what we are use too. Usually we are a face to face environment. We are making the best of it, but it does get a little tricky when it comes to band class. My Band class starts at 7:20 in the morning and we are required to practice one half hour and present to the teacher. The problem is I play drums and as I practice on my drum pad, that’s fine but my brother is beginning to get annoyed with me tapping on my pad behind him as he is trying to do his Spanish course. I think it’s kind of funny but I understand that I might have to practice in a different room.

This week would have been homecoming week and their are no parades, football games or dances this year. Last year my friends and I went out for dinner as a group and came back to our house for a small bonfire, that was so much fun. This year my mom is setting up a table outside ordering Italian food and we will do a small bonfire with a few of our friends and of course follow the social distancing guide lines.

Hopefully, soon will get back to normal and this Covid-19 will be a thing of the past, but for now we need to all be safe and take care of one another.

Please stay safe, and talk with you soon,


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