Friendships Are Priceless
Friendships Are Priceless
Friendships are priceless, so when you find that someone who enjoys your company, communication seems fluid and you know they will always ask you “how are you doing” then you have truly found a good friend.
I have recently reconnected with a friend that for the past few years we have gone different ways. But this is normal from elementary school to the Jr. High level and our families do hang out when we go camping so its not like I never saw my friend we just had different interests.
Now that I am in high school, we have found our friendship again and I have to admit that I am so happy. We can talk for hours and discuss what’s going on at school and around the world without anyone getting mad. She is just a good friend that I have found again.
So like the picture above, times make people change, sometimes for the worst but most of the time for the better, so be patient and don’t be afraid to just talk. Just Like our dog Bailey and our friends dog Maggie, they were very uncertain a couple years ago when they meet but time has cured their anxiety about each other and now they have become good friends.
I will leave you with that thought, and remember it’s more now than ever that everyone needs as many friends as they can.
Stay safe and talk to you soon!