Happy New Year 2021!!

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Happy New Year 2021!!!

What a year 2020 has been, but we have made it to 2021 our hope is that we can start to get back to visiting families and friends with no worries of getting anyone sick. We have proved that no matter what challenges life throws at us and if we stick together we will make it.

Even though it was small we were able to celebrate with my grandma and a few of my family members, lots of food like always and lots of games to play.

My goal for 2021 is to do more skiing, this sport is new for me but I enjoy it so much and also social distancing is quite easy when your outside. Now, we just need snow, let’s cross our fingers it will come soon.

It’s late and we just wanted to wish all our followers a very Happy New Year and keep reading our blogs because we love writing for you.

Stay safe…….

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