Hershey Park

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Hershey Park

Hershey Park

Sorry it’s been a little bit since I wrote last, but a lot of things have been going on. Spring Break was coming up and mom and dad surprised us with a trip to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. Our journey started off with the opening weekend of Hershey Park amusement park. My brother and I had a blast. Very clean and nice with lots of rides for everyone. Especially roller coasters (which I don;t go on) but that is Bryce’s favorite. It was a little cold but that was good, because there wasn’t really long lines.

I have never seen so much Reeese Cups, Hershey Kisses and Jolly Rancher candies in my life. I would recommend this place to everyone, it even had a small zoo that was included in the admission cost.

So the great news is that we have tagged three more states to our list of traveling. Ohio, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Yes, we did drive an extra 15 miles just to go over the boarder to say we did it.

We will try to share more pictures and our next post will be on another famous location in Pennsylvania. Can you guess what that would be? Stay tuned for our next post for the answer. Until then enjoy the nice weather.

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