Time to Relax

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I’m just chilling in the band room. Now a days I spend a lot of time doing homework, performing with our small basement band group and just enjoying every days new adventures. It looks as if I was caught just chilling in our school band room after one of our events. I wish I could help spread the word on how much music has become in my life. It’s like one big family, of course you have a couple siblings that you just would go away but over all it is one of the most fun coolest classes I have taken. If your in elementary school headed to Jr. High please don’t give up. Change instruments if you want to bt I am here to say that Jr. HIgh and high school Jazz, orchestra and marching band is just plain fun and made ton of friends along the way. I would love to see some pictures from you guys showing off your band or just friends having fun. Talk with you soon and stay warm through these upcoming cold months in the north east.

Just Chilling
time to relax

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