Welcome to our blog, here is where you get to read all our postings. I really hope you enjoy everything I write about. I started this blog in 2014 and I have continued to put in all the things I thought were informative for others, interesting and exciting items that have gone on in mine and my families life.
Everyday I overcome obstacles with my Asperger’s and if I can help other people with this spectrum or other spectrum’s of Autism than I know this blog was all worth it.
Remember, push yourself to step out of your comfort zone every once in awhile, try doing something new, with a good support system behind you than you can dream big and reach all those goals you set for yourself.
I need your help, I am creating a digital magazine and would love to hear ideas on what we should put in our first volume which I would like to launch soon. So send us a message on our contact page.
Hope you enjoy our blog.