Waiting For Covid-19 To End

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This Easter was so much fun, we finally got to meet with our relatives for a wonderful day of eating and playing chess.

I did something I have never tried before and that was I made cherry chip cupcakes with marshmallow peeps. Everybody enjoyed them and that made me feel so happy.

I finally see a light of the tunnel on being able to start going back before Covid-19 began, seeing friends, playing with a full band at school and best of all going on family trips and staying at hotels. My brother is really missing the amusement parks and his rollercoasters.

So if we all keep doing our part and being cautious we will be able to get back to our lifestyles that we were use too.

Oh, just incase I forget I have big news, we are going to Yellowstone for vacation this year, I can hardly wait to share all the stories and pictures with everyone, so watch out for those posts.

I am signing off now, but I hope that everyone was able to spend time with their love ones this Easter.

See you soon…..

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