So Busy!!!!!!

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Hi everybody!

Going back to school is a busy time of year.  Band started almost a month before school, and we’ve had to do lots of extra things like raising money for our marching band.  We had to play outside a 7-Eleven and people would donate money.  Not my idea of a fun time, but it was for a good cause.  We also do lots of stuff in scouts that helps to fund our troop as well as other projects to help our community.  Sometimes I complain because I’d rather being doing something fun, but when I stop and think about people who wouldn’t be able to function in some other way unless we help, I guess it’s good that we do stuff to help.  I know I’d be thankful for help if I needed it.  So the next time you’re asked to help out, say yes.  You’ll be doing good for others and also for yourself.  In what ways do you help out?  It could be at home with chores, or your school, a community project, church…the possibilities are endless.  I’d love to hear about it.



Grant and Bryce

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