Sydney the Cat (and cousins)

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Hello everyone! Well, we adopted a cat a few months ago. Actually it adopted us. It moved into our yard and we started feeding it and then we took it to the vet and eventually brought her into our home. We named her Sydney. She is a really big cat and has lots of stripes and huge eyeballs. Our dog Bailey is afraid of her and she knows it because she will purposely block whatever doorway the dog wants to go through. She sleeps alot and we made a special gate so that she can get into my bedroom without Bailey bothering her. She is a great companion because she likes to be where we are. My cousins have cats too. Taylor has a cat up at college with him named Mojito. She is dark grey and will come home with him in the spring when he graduates. My cousins Nate and Matt have two kitties. One is a tonkinese named Slinky and a calico named Peachie. Cats are great pets and seem to know when you need a little bit of loving. I’m really happy that we have pets. They are a big responsibility but my parents help us with that so we can enjoy spending time with them.



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