The Day Has Come For Glasses

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The Time Has Come for glasses. I kind of knew I was having issues seeing things clearly in the distance and with me finishing my first stage in drivers training I thought it would be best for everyone for me to get an eye exam.

Yup, no surprise they said I definitely needed them. Fortunately, I don’t need them for things up close like online schooling or my gaming on my computer.

This is perfect this way all my class mates and friends don’t see me them in them while I’m online.

On the other hand my mom suggested that I get a pair that looks very cool and we chose this pair because I love Oakley and also this pair looks like it is weathered which makes them unique but not stand out a lot.

Probably the biggest issue I have right now is that when we where masks for Covid my glasses fog up and I can’t see anything. I guess I will keep test trying different masks until I get one that doesn’t let this happen.

My brother Grant had to get glasses last year, and I was so happy it wasn’t me, but now that I have them I find that they are not so bad.

Just remember if you think you need glasses don’t wait to tell your parents, everything looks so much clearer now.

Hope everyone has a Christmas and we will try to write more often now that Mid-terms are finally done this week.

Stay cool…….

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