Michigan Upper Peninsula

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Vacationing In Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Vacationing In Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (Gods Country)

Michigan Upper Peninsula we saw the most amazing sites today. We are in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan visiting pictured rocks. The picture you see is one I took while on a pontoon boat ride my family rented with friends of ours. Words can’t explain all the amazing sites we saw and to be able to swim in these amazing waters.

With the pandemic still going strong it was nice to to take a break from everything we keep seeing on television, enjoy the fresh are and keeping up with the social distancing. We will get through this if we all do our part and once it is over I hope that from the pictures that I have taken I hope you get an opportunity to come visit.

Please enjoy the photos and my new posts as I show you new things I have tried. I was scared, but my friends and family helped me overcome my fears and took little steps to get me out of my comfort zone. So stay tuned for my next post.

Stay safe everyone.

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