We are finally Eagle Scouts!!

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We have finally done it! Achieving the highest rank in boy scouts. We have come along way from doing our first campout to now teaching younger scouts the importance of civil service.

Probably the best moment is that my brother and I both were able to do our EBOR (Eagle board of review) on the same day.

One of the biggest part in the Eagle Rank is to do an Eagle project. My brother Bryce built little libraries and mounted them in a community subdivision for kids to have free books. I myself had done something very unique but close to my heart. I created an online virtual magazine called Music through the eyes and ears of Autism. I really hope other kids read my magazine and see how I have overcome challenges in my life and how music, scouts, friends and family were with me all the way.

I hope to continue this magazine quarterly and hope you enjoy reading my Eagle Scout Project.

Please click the link below to get your copy of my Eagle Scout online magazine.

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