Welcome To Cleveland Ohio

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botanical garden waterfall

Welcome To Cleveland Ohio 

Hi Everyone, just wanted to tell you a little bit about a great place to visit. Recently my mom had to have surgery at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland Ohio so my aunts and grandma took my brother and I to visit my mom and dad at the hospital during Memorial weekend because she had to stay there for seven days before she could come back home to Michigan. While we were there we did some sight seeing at a couple places. One was the botanical gardens. A must see place, they had a waterfall, a great butterfly house, fun tree house play structures all spread out across the gardens outside. I wasn’t sure that I wanted go but we had a really good time. So I wanted to share a couple photos with everyone.


botanical garden

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

The next place we went was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This also was very cool to see all the guitars, outfits and memorabilia they had for all those famous singers. Most of them I didn’t know but the ones I did had great displays. Especially Elvis Presley, That had a move about his life.

I know that most people know Ohio for their theme parks and water parks like Cast away Bay, Cedar Point, Kings Island but if you have a couple hours to spend I think you will enjoy learning about music history.

rock and roll car

This belong to Janice Joplin

rock and roll drums

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