Winter Break Fun

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I can’t believe how lucky we are!  We come back from Disney and now we are on winter break!  I’m so happy!  Today we went bowling with grandma, Aunt Darla, Nathan and Matthew.  We had so much fun.  It was noisy which was perfect because we could be loud and no one would be bothered.  We did our best even though the scores were not great.  It was about spending time with our cousins who are alot of fun.  I am so thankful to have such a great family.  Tomorrow grandma is taking us to the movies to see Peter Rabbit.  And we get to go to the theater with the recliners.  Better than being at home.  Grandma is cool because she will order french fries and pizza for us and the guy will bring it right to our seat.  We are looking forward to it!  I do miss school, but not enough to want to miss out on winter break fun!



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