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Contact Us – Love to hear from you!

What makes our website/Blog so successful? It’s all about the kids – we appreciate you sharing your family stories, pictures, recipes, crafts and so much more for other kids to enjoy. We can’t even tell you how many E-mails we get from kids and parents both thanking us for all the fun cool activities that they are trying for the first time because of our website.

So keep them coming, and we will do our best to get them posted quickly and in the proper areas for everyone to see.  Just remember please don’t send photographs of yourself or other people.   Some people don’t like their pictures taken and we will always do our best to respect folks’ privacy. So just send your first name only or a nickname, the state or country you live in, and your age.  This is just enough information so that your friends and family will be able to identify your contribution to our web community.

Parents – feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments and we will try to get back with you as quickly as possible.

2 Responses

  1. Raelyn Alward

    I read your article in my local paper, The Morning Sun. Way to go Grant! I have a nephew with Asperger’s & so much want him to find the joy in being included in a group. I try to push him out of his comfort zone.

  2. Jerry Blackwell Jr

    Grant, I got to say I am now a huge fan of yours. I just found your site and I got to say, well done. I know this five-year-old with autism and he is absolutely the sweetest kid. I started learning about autism a couple of years ago when I met him. I still have so much to learn, LOL. I recently got the idea to write a children’s book where the main character has autism. I wanted him to see his name in a book written about him. That is how I came to your website. I saw your book on Amazon, and yes I am going to buy it for the boy I was telling you about. He likes video games and loves his little sister and she adores him. Keep up the good work. I am going to scour your site for every nugget I can find for inspiration. Thank you for your courage and honesty. I wish you much success.

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